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Warplanes Weekly 2/8-14


Flare Town! Accord!
    Mayor IceMan would like to take this opportunity to recognize the one true founder of FlareTown and thank him for all his contributions that made this all possible! Without GhostFactory 👻 🏭 there would be no FlareTown and his contributions are not lost on us. A statue to remember him will be raised post-haste, and all transfers of power will take place in its presence.
With that being said 🥶Iceman🥶 is ready to put his popularity to the test.. again! An Election will be held this Saturday at 8est, if the candidates number more than 12 – preliminary elections will be held to determine the final candidates.
Last man or woman standing with a flare gun in his or her hand will be named the new Mayor of Flaretown.
If necessary a peaceful transfer of power will take place immediately following the election. However having already won three elections Iceman didn’t seem worried when we caught up with him and had this to say: “The people of Flare Town love me so much, they will be lining the rooftops with flare guns in hand ready to ensure I win this election.”

Police report!

Flight Club banking?!

       Since the Legalization of flight Club crime has dropped, the people have prospered, the streets are safe, and government revenue has increased. Under the ever-watchful eye of Police Commissioner Kon X we have seen a new era in flare town. The now legal Saturday night games ” Flight Club” have become a popular haven for top ranked fighter pilots and those wishing to make a name for their self.  Commissioner Kon in his Weekly report had this to say” I never liked that the games were illegal , I was always a strong proponent of bringing these games above board in a regulated fashion, gone are the days of organized crime profiting of the people, under my guidance we have seen an uptick in Flight Club attendance,  the crime lords are not to be seen, and we have enriched the government coffers, so much so we have been able to generate enough revenue to help fund a statue to one of the founding fathers of flare town, we encourage everyone to come join the fun. Remember you can’t win if you don’t play!”   Flight club is a 2 v2 TDM set of matches run every Saturday night after 9 pm EST.

Current champs Dustin X Kritter77


The end of Season 4! 

      After a one of the longest most grueling seasons we final have a winner! Team Bro-Shits, claimed victory this past week! this rag tag team made up of a diverse set of squad members, some mortal enemies, came together this season in a stunning fashion! their final match against the seasons number one team the Sky daddies was one for the books.  The game played out last Wednesday and saw the daddies’ taking guns, and the Bro-shits taking flares. But with a better Kill – Death ratio the Bro-shits were able to move on the champion’s circle! well played Boys! 

Your Bro-shits are !

Team Captian Iceman


Hitman 8

Jah 8

Reptile 77 – Rookie of the year


Friday night Flare Mayhem

      The Circus is Over. After weeks of entertainment the show has come to an end. Hitmen arrived at the Circus with no capacity for entertainment and left it a bloody mess. StifflersMom and PapaSmurf showed up late to the Circus and were killed almost immediately by the Hitmen after stepping foot inside the tent. However, an ambush was waiting for them outside. Hitman had taken advantage of the free booze at the Circus, and before they knew it Wardust was everywhere. The Hitmen were disposed of quickly, unable to breathe or even see through the dust. On their way out they disposed of one brave couple who presumably was on a date night at the Circus decided to take a stand after seeing the Hitmen go down. Unfortunately they were overcome by the dust themselves. When dawn broke dust covered the atmosphere, two Hitmen lay dead in front of a broken down circus tent and the killers were gone. Investigation has revealed those behind the killings are Duke and Baron Wardust. Formally known as Dustin and Warmachine. Can anyone overcome the WarDust? Find out this Friday at 9est.

click here for spread sheet


              Death at the circus

          The Wardust Brothers!

       Duke and Baron Wardust

Award ceremony

Best of the best!

    As we close out season 4 and prepare for season 5 it is custom to hold an awards ceremony. Last night we saw a number of acclaimed pilots stroll the red carpet decked out in their finest regalia. The ceremonies always bringing out the top names to the famous Hippies hanger (meta world horizons) . The Awards ceremony  not only celebrated the winning team but he Accomplishment of the induvial pilots as well that performed during the season! Hosting this event was retiring captain Holmes 8. Some of the names were expected, but there were a few entries that surprised the audience. Along with the closing of season 4, the whose who soiree ushers in the kickoff to season 5! With this came the announcement of new captains. A traditional competition, a trivia contest is held, for the new captains each season.With this seasons new Captains being iSpywhere 8 and reptile 77′. In a series of challenging timed questions Ipsy managed to edge past Reptile for the chance to pick ahead in the poll position. this year’s Draft will be different from past seasons. A snake draft, along with some other rule changes have been implemented challenging the captains to consider where they want to be in draft order.  Good luck and if you haven’t sign up now is the time only a couple slots left!

Award winners:

MVP season 4:  Kon X – sky daddies

MVP Guns: Vandamar 8’s – Barnyard Brawlers

MVP Flares: Macca 8’s – Sky daddies

Most Improved: Smash X – Sky Daddies

Rookie if the season: Reptile 77 – Bro-Shits

Best sportsman: 

Your Season 5 captains








At the Movies

Is a section deducted to aviation film –Porco Rosso-

Keep an eye out for a group Big Screen Movie presentation! of Porco rosso announcement to be made on unofficial page 

Third eye Spy

Aries: The new year takes off with a burst of energy, akin to the ferocity of the Bristol M1H. Embrace the challenges ahead with courage and determination, knowing that victory awaits those who dare to soar.

Taurus: Like the synchronized movements of a trained Albatross DII squadron, your relationships will thrive through teamwork and cooperation. Cultivate unity and harmony in all aspects of your life for smooth skies ahead.

Gemini: Responsibly and stability will set you apart, Gemini! Which is fitting because you’re pregnant! Congrats!

Cancer: As the DH.2 pilots navigate the skies with precision and skill, so too must you navigate the complexities of life. Trust in your abilities, stay focused on your goals, and you’ll emerge victorious against all odds. Basically I’m saying buy a lotto ticket.

Leo: The steady and reliable AGO C1 serves as a reminder to establish solid foundations in your endeavors. Much like a house of cards.

Virgo: Channel your inner ace pilot, tackle challenges head-on, and let nothing stand in the way of your dreams. And play Onward

 Libra : I’ve got nothing for this one. I’m tired. Give me a break bro. Get wrecked Libras!

ScorPYo: Embrace the spirit of innovation and adaptability embodied by the Albatross DII this month. Be open to new opportunities and approaches. Or don’t. Nobody cares.

Sagittarius: As the SE5 pilots soar through the skies with confidence, so too must you trust in your abilities and intuition. JK they’re sky bullies. Garbage humans, the lot of them.

Capricorn: Buy bitcoin and then stand firm in the face of adversity, and you’ll weather any storms that come your way.

Aquarius: Heed Mr.Vamdamar’s wise words found in WP Weekly, and your determination will inspire you to push through obstacles and reach new heights of achievement.

Pisces: Horoscope not found. Please try again later.

For the Cross

        Last weekend with the Hunters’ Cross we saw the return of its founder Lasalle X. As a reassurance of his abilities and to cement yet further his glorious legacy, Lasalle took the Saturday match by storm and won ranking him as Senior Huntsman. On the Sunday match, in a glitch out from Snakebite, Kon, head of the X squad, won with a resounding 17 kills. Hunters’ Cross matches public 5est Saturday, 9 Est Sunday public lobby Hunters cross, BE THERE!

Drag Night

Love is in the air,

Guns and flares oh what a pair

Love transcends warfare-

Change your call sign this Friday to something related to love or valentines day.

Just Ask Vandy

“In a dogfight, would you rather battle a swarm of drone-sized ducks or a squadron of determined seagulls and why?”

          I would definitely say drone sized ducks. We all have an obligation to the folks of flare town to keep them well fed and with new fluffy pillows. Granted that a squadron of grey and white hot dog grabbers would be a challenge.

“ I’ve been playing warplanes a lot more since my license got suspended, Will alcohol and other substances make me a better pilot?”

          Dear pilot, I can say I am a fan of a little shroom and zoom, or a little drink and plink. However if indulged to much you could find yourself in a swarm of a squadron of man sized seagulls or buzzing a flock of drone sized ducks. To be a real sky bully you are going to need to practice restraint. Remembering that it didn’t help your driving.

“Dear mister Vandamar sir I’ve noticed there are a lot of squads out there I was thinking of joining one, but I’ve been warned that some are like cults and are bad news . ? Should I join a squad how do I tell the bad from the good ones?”

      I have said before that I think that the squads are really the spice of the game. Each have their own way. Non of them are ax banging devil worshipers. Example the WHO take more of a lackadaisical approach but don’t let that fool you if you find yourself in a match alone you will find that you will die before any WHO. The 77 are up and coming very aggressive and you still have a chance to get in there with some good folks. The H8 are comprised of some of the best in the sky’s a close and tight knit group all over 21. Proper sky bullies and also autistic serial killers. You are no safer on the same team as them as on the other side. Last but not least the X also with some of the best in the skys, they have a history of being cheats and meddling in every tournament they have ever planned witch is all but if I’m not mistaken. I am a huge advocate for anyone finding a squad that fits them and becoming a greater part of the community pick where you fit best and ask to join up!

        That’s all for this week pilots remember if you have any questions or something that rubs your wing tips contact us at warplanes weekly. Don’t get better be better

Vandamar H8

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Bushwacker

    Forgot to mention I had most kills lol bastardo

    1. Sandor Vegh

      Im trying to get Greybird to post it on the website

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